Messy Mum

G’day from sunny Brisbane 🙂

Welcome to the Messy Explorer blog page: Messy Mum.

My name’s Liza – I grew up under sunny African Skies (and if you’re now humming to the Paul Simon song, we should definitely be friends); I spent two life-changing years in South Korea teaching middle school, learning about myself and earning a black belt in taekwondo (it just seemed like a more interesting souvenir than another magnet). Finally, I was whisked away by love to live in Brisbane – my forever home.

I have two amazing, wild, gorgeous children – Ms E is 3 and Master W is 1 – which means I currently live on a diet of coffee and kids’ leftovers. I get to share the joys and frustrations of parenthood with my incredible husband, Rob, who I’ve been married to for nearly 8 years. (If you have any brilliant ideas for a bronze wedding gift, please tell me so I can steal your idea and pass it off as my own!)

Messy Explorer was something I started dreaming up shortly after I had my first child and the idea grew when I was pregnant with my second. My plan is to go beyond just messy play events for toddlers and create a business that supports young families and helps make the world that little bit better. But for now, curating messy play events to create a magical morning of fun for toddlers just felt like the right place to start.

But it’s not all about the children. It can’t be. We’re out safe centre for our children and to do that, we need to keep ourselves centred. This blog is one way I hope to help, by chatting directly to you about mum life – from easy ideas to do with your children at home, to chatting about the experience of parenting young kids and everything that comes along with it (including an unhealthy interest in whether the main character’s in my daughter’s favourite show will ever fall in love).

So if you’re reading this first blog, or attending these first messy play events, thank you for taking this first little step with me. You’re helping one mum’s dream become a little bit more real.

I hope to meet you soon at one of our events!

